Items Useful To the Shadowthief

There are a multitude of items available to help the Shadowthieves in our evil deeds. Some of these you can buy at the guild smithy and armoury, but many you have to search for. These items range from armour, weapons, or just tricks to keep us away from the eyes of would-be thief killers.

Item: Shadow Mask
Save Level: At Joining
Description: The Shadow Mask is made out of black leather. This mask completely wraps around the wearer's face. There are holes in the mask to allow good sight and breathing. The mask is long enough to cover the wearer's neck. This mask looks like the perfect head gear for someone who does not want to be easily seen in the darkness.
Phidauex's Opinion: Decent piece of mask armour. All human Shadowthieves should have one. Fortunatly, this mask also blocks bright light, meaning drow can use it instead of a shoufa.

Item: Spiked Black Leather
Save Level: 60
Description: This black leather armour completely covers your torso. This armour is covered with spikes on both the front and back. These spikes are made of a non-reflective black metal. These spikes could deflect the blow of a blade. This lightweight armour is an excellent choice for the person who needs to move quickly into the shadows.
Phidauex's Opinion: This is the best armour in the guild armoury. This will serve as good thief armour until you venture out to get the Leather Body Suit, or the Armour of Arik.

Item: Padded Full-body Leather
Save Level: At Joining
Description: This padded armour has been made out of black leather. It completely covers the body of the wearer. This leather seems to completely mold to fit the wearer perfectly. Despite the fact that it is padded, it provides for optinum movement and dexterity. The leather contains small holes in order for the wearer to remain cool in warm temperatures. This is an excellent choice for the person who needs to blend in the shadows.
Phidauex's Opinion: Decent armour, this will serve until you can save the Spiked Black Leather.

Item: Cloak of the Shadows
Save Level: At Joining
Description: This cloak is made from black silk fabric. It is very long, covering most of the body. It has a large hood which comes down slightly over the wearer's face. This cloak was designed by the great thief, Mazoth. It is the perfect cloak for someone who needs to retreat quickly, as it is very lightweight.
Phidauex's Opinion: This is one of the best cloaks for the Shadowthieves, use it until you get the Demonic Cloak.

Item: Black Leather Boots
Save Level: At Joining
Description: These black leather boots seem to mold perfectly on to the wearer's feet. These boots ride high up the leg to just below the knee. Black leather laces are used to keep the boots tight around the wearer's leg.
Phidauex's Opinion: A basic set of boots. They aren't all that great, but hey, they go along with our general theme of black leather.

Item: Black Gloves
Save Level: At Joining
Description: These gloves are made from the blackest demon hide and are backed by silvery mithril plates. The gloves are designed for maximum movement without sacrificing protection. When worn, the gloves bond with your skin to make an exact fit. The fingers of each glove is lined with rubber caps to provide better gripping ability.
Phidauex's Opinion: Again, a basic set of gloves. They aren't amazingly good, but they are decent, and easy to get.

Item: Rod of Despair
Save Level: At Joining
Description: This long staff has been made out of wood. The wood of this staff is a reddish color. Black spots cover the staff in the form of tears. This staff is very lightweight, however, it feels solid in your hands.
Phidauex's Opinion: Worthless weapon, it has no use for us.

Item: Phantasmal Blade
Save Level: At Joining
Description: This long sword has been made of a non-reflective metal. Looking closely at the hilt, you can see several snakes intertwined to form a good grip. Each snake head has a different stone embedded for its eyes. At the top of the hilt, the hand guard is made from ebony. You notice the face of the Dark One in the ebony, with small garnet stones to indicate his eyes.
Phidauex's Opinion: Decent sword, does pretty good damage with backstab. A newbie might find use of this.

Item: Dagger of Darkness
Save Level: At Joining
Description: This large dagger is the length of your foreman. Its blade is made of a rough, black metal. It appears to be one of the sharpest blades you have ever seen. The hilt of this fine dagger is wrapped in black leather. Directly, above the hilt, there is a guard which completely covers your hand.
Phidauex's Opinion: This dagger has some interesting properties, all thieves should read the Daggers section of the techniques area.

Item: Twisted Blade of the Twilight
Save Level: 60
Description: This long sword has a very wide blade. The blade of this interesting sword twists from the hilt to the tip. The twisted blade looks similar to the body of a serpent or a flame. The hilt of this sword has been carved out of onyx stone. The carvings look very similar to the blade of the sword. You notice that finger holds have also been carved in the onyx. This great sword is unlike anything you have seen before.
Phidauex's Opinion: This is the best weapon in the guild shop. This sword has a chance to cut off the head of your enemies as you kill them. This sword ties into the properties mentioned in the Daggers section of the techniques area.

Item: Dagger of Death
Save Level: 250
Description: [Only the most priviliged of Shadowthieves may view this great weapon of lore.]
Phidauex's Opinion: This weapon is the strongest in the game for the Shadowthieves, your backstab will do more damage than ever before with this precision dagger. However, the guild will not provide it for you. (If you are so clever as to find this dagger, please, keep the info to yourself, this quest is a test we all must pass to become great thieves.) This weapon will begin to show its power when your covert.stealth is around 200. All thieves should read the Daggers section of the techniques area for important info on this weapon.

Item: Black Shard
Save Level: At Joining
Description: This is a slender knife is forged from a single shard of glassy obsidian. Not intended to be retrieved, it's blade has been honed far sharper than any metal weapon would be. While this detracts from it's durability, it allows a deadly attack to be delivered by a small, easily hidden blade. In skilled hands a thrown knife can strike an unsuspecting target, and will allowing the user to stay hidden.
Phidauex's Opinion: This is a useful tool when killing people with lots of images or clones. To use, you simply 'knife [target]'. When used while you are hidden, it does not reveal who threw the knife, nor does it start combat, or make you come unhidden. At high levels of fighting.combat.range.thrown you can throw up to 10 shards per round, at decent levels of damage. Shards can not be thrown at invisible, or hiding people, though that is likely to change in the future.

Item: Ebony Tome
Save Level: At Joining
Description: This is a small light weight book. Its cover is hard, and glossy. A black material somewhere between stone and steel, and definately not natural. Silvery scribble adorns its cover.
Phidauex's Opinion: This is the tome containing much of the information about our guild, and its powers. Open it and study the skills for a list of Shadowthief titles, and spells.

Item: Amulet of Shadows
Save Level: At Joining
Description: This small amulet is made of a piece of deep black crystal held on a steel chain by a silver claw. It is slightly warm to the touch.
Phidauex's Opinion: A very useful item, this amulet allows you to 'disguise myself as a [guild]' to change your title to a title of that guild.

Item: Healing Kit
Save Level: At Joining
Description: This healing kit is an oaken box filled with powders, salves, and bandages for treating every kind of wound. Customized to tap into the innate healing nature of the bearer, the kit is a powerful curative, but only the true owner can use it to tend injury.
Phidauex's Opinion: This isn't very useful for healing.

Some other items that are useful to the Shadowthief.

Demonic Cloak: Found on Raven's Island, this cloak adds +1 to your Dexterity.

Opal Ring: Also found on Raven's Island, this ring also adds +1 to your Dexterity.

Sapphire Bracers: Found in the Labrynth, on Raven's Island, these bracers add +1 to your Intelligence.

Necklace of Horns: ALSO found on Raven's Island (seeing a trend here?), this necklaces adds +1 to your Intelligence.

Armour of Arik: This is the best armour in the game (excepting the orc only Green Armour, and the Warrior only Shadow Armour). It is extremely heavy, but if you can find a Sorcerer who maxxed correctly, they can reduce it up to 95%, making it an acceptable weight for thieves. It, like many powerful items, is found on Raven's Island.

Dark Robe: Found with some of the undesirables in Lesser Treeth, this robe adds a bit to your hiding ability.